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Advantages to earn Miles when you stay at NG Hotels!

Special offers for Miles&Smiles members staying at NG Sapanca and NG Enjoy Hotels:

  • Earn 5000 Miles for a 5-night stay
  • Earn 6000 Miles for a 6-night stay
  • Earn 7000 Miles for a 7-night stay


  • Earn 500 Miles for each overnight stay for weekday stays for business purposes.

Special offers for Miles&Smiles members staying at NG Afyon Hotel:

  • Earn 3000 Miles for a 3-night stay
  • Earn 5000 Miles for a 5-night stay
  • Earn 6000 Miles for a 6-night stay

Earn 7000 Miles for a 7-night stay

Terms and conditions

  • Stays with special discounts (discounts of agencies, airlines, etc.) and stays of less than 5 nights at NG Sapanca and NG Enjoy, as well as less than 3 nights at NG Afyon, will not be eligible.
  • 500 Miles will be earned for each overnight stay, exclusive to weekday stays for business purposes only at NG Sapanca and NG Enjoy hotels.
  • 3000 Mile (NG Afyon) and 5000 Mile (NG Sapanca and NG Enjoy) campaigns are valid for individual stays.
  • When more than one member shares the same room, only one member will be eligible to earn Miles for the stay.
  • The Miles&Smiles card or a digital card must be presented at check-in to earn Miles for stays. Earned Miles will not be credited if the card is not presented.
  • It may take time for hotel stays to be credited to the Miles&Smiles membership account. In case of failure, the hotel invoice must be submitted to the hotel you stayed.
  • For online bookings made through the websites, an 8% discount will be applied in addition to the offers mentioned above.
  • Miles will be valid for stays until December 28, 2025.

Special offers for Miles&Smiles members holding NG Family Card at NG Phaselis Bay Hotel:

  • NG PURE CARD holders receive 1,000 Miles with a minimum stay of 4 nights or more.
  • NG UNIQUE CARD holders receive 1,500 Miles with a minimum stay of 4 nights or more.
  • NG ICONIC CARD holders receive 2,000 Miles with a minimum stay of 4 nights or more.
  • NG BLACK CARD holders receive 2,500 Miles with a minimum stay of 4 nights or more.

Terms and conditions

  • This campaign is valid for stays of four nights or longer.
  • Guests who have stayed at NG Phaselis Bay at least once before can take advantage of this promotion. This campaign excludes group bookings for meetings, congresses, and other events.
  • If multiple members stay in the same room, Miles are only transferred to only one guest.
  • To earn Miles from your accommodations, present your Miles&Smiles card or digital card at check-in. Miles cannot be loaded unless the card is presented.
  • Hotel stays may not be reflected in the Miles&Smiles membership account right away. In the event of failure, the hotel invoice must be submitted to the hotel.
  • Stays between 20 March - 17 November 2025 will earn Miles within the scope of the campaign.