With Miles&Smiles credit cards, you can shop at selected companies holding the POS of the contracted banks in exchange for the Miles in your member account.
Only Miles&Smiles credit card holders may use Miles to shop via POS machines.
When shopping with Miles, 100 Miles = 20 TL. For example, 10,000 Miles will be used for a shopping cart total of 2,000 TL.
If a product purchased with Miles is returned, the Miles used to pay for that product can be refunded.
Miles used in shopping are immediately debited from the member's account.
Please visit the website of Garanti Bank to see the list of participating companies.
To shop with Miles, a Miles&Smiles member must have sufficient Miles in their account. If the Miles in the account are not sufficient, a portion of the total can be covered by Miles, with the remaining total covered by the member’s credit card.
In addition to Miles earned from our flights and non-air program partners, only Miles earned from Miles&Smiles Garanti BBVA credit card expenditures, can be spent at physical POS at contracted member merchants.