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Vous pouvez suivre les actualités et les dernières informations concernant le nouveau canal de distribution de Turkish Airlines, TKCONNECT, ainsi que ses partenaires commerciaux ci-dessous.

Dear Valued Partner,

As Turkish Airlines, we would like to share an important update regarding the new distribution cost recovery fee that will be applied to reservations made through GDS EDIFACT channels. With the launch of our NDC-based new distribution channel, TKCONNECT, as of October 1, 2024, an additional fee of 24 USD (or the equivalent in local currency) per ticket will be applied to all reservations made via GDS EDIFACT channels. However, no additional fees will be applied to ticketing transactions made through our other distribution channels such as TKCONNECT UI, TKCONNECT API, TKCONNECT Aggregators, Quickres, Troya, Websagent, Kolaybilet, the Turkish Airlines website, and mobile app.

We highly value your partnership and your efforts to adapt to the innovations in our industry. In this regard, we are pleased to inform you that the majority of our agencies have successfully integrated into the TKCONNECT system. You can easily access our advantageous content through TKCONNECT UI, TKCONNECT API, TKCONNECT Aggregators, and other direct channels (Quickres, Troya, Websagent, Kolaybilet, Turkish Airlines website, and mobile app).

Our EDIFACT content will continue to be available through our contracted GDS EDIFACT channels (Amadeus, Travelport, Hitit, Travelsky, Infini, Sirena), with the aforementioned additional fee of 24 USD (or the equivalent in local currency) applied.

For more information about TKCONNECT and to stay updated on the latest announcements, please visit our TKCONNECT website or contact Turkish Airlines sales offices.

As Turkish Airlines, we are committed to advancing with firm steps to align our content with modern standards and simplify processes in collaboration with our partners. We would like to thank you, our valued partners, for your contributions during this process.


Turkish Airlines

Turkish Airlines expands NDC program with strategic partnerships: “Introducing TKCONNECT”

Turkish Airlines has recently announced the enhancement of its NDC (New Distribution Capability) compliant TKCONNECT program through a strategic partnership with leading content aggregators Travelfusion, Verteil, DRCT, Mystifly, Nuua, Nuflights and Theta. This collaboration marks a significant milestone in enhancing travel experience of passengers by enabling its partners to have seamless access to Turkish Airlines' extensive global network and services. Through these partnerships, Turkish Airlines and the aggregators are committed to driving innovation and excellence in the travel industry. TKCONNECT will empower travel agents with state-of-the-art tools to create customized itineraries, offer exclusive deals, and streamline the booking process, enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty. Commenting on the expansion of the NDC programme Ahmet Olmuştur, Turkish Airlines Chief Commercial Officer stated; "We are excited to partner with Travelfusion, Verteil, DRCT, Mystifly, Nuua, Nuflights and Theta in the expansion of TKCONNECT. These aggregators have a proven track record of delivering top-tier distribution solutions, and their expertise will be instrumental in maximizing the reach and impact of TKCONNECT. This initiative reflects our shared vision of providing superior travel solutions and exceptional service to our customers. By embracing NDC technology, we are paving the way for a more connected and efficient travel ecosystem."

Sep 06, 2024

Turkish Airlines entre dans une nouvelle ère avec sa nouvelle plateforme de distribution « TKCONNECT »

Avec TKCONNECT, outre des prix différenciés pour les billets émis par la compagnie aérienne, les privilèges accordés aux agences de voyages comprennent : des promotions spéciales, un contenu pouvant être enrichi par des illustrations, des prix avantageux pour certains services supplémentaires tels que l’excédent de bagages, le choix du siège et les équipements spéciaux. Le directeur commercial de Turkish Airlines, Ahmet Olmuştur, a déclaré à ce sujet : « Notre nouvelle plateforme de distribution TKCONNECT constituera une étape importante dans notre mission consistant à améliorer l’expérience des passagers et à soutenir nos partenaires commerciaux. TKCONNECT est né de la volonté de Turkish Airlines de mettre les dernières avancées technologiques au service de ses utilisateurs, et d’en faire profiter ses partenaires commerciaux ainsi que les agences de voyages. »

Le 15 mai 2024