일부 항공기는 규모가 있는 짐을 싣기 부적합할 수 있으므로 예약 시 관계자에게 크기를 꼭 알려주십시오. 적정 크기를 초과한 자전거는 항공기 화물칸에 실을 수 있습니다.
Special charges for transport of sports equipment and terms and conditions may vary on AnadoluJet flights. Please visit our page for more detailed information.
Applicable until December 31, 2025 (inclusive): Valid for all network flights departing from destinations other than Türkiye and arriving to Antalya, Alanya(Gazipaşa), Adana, Kayseri, Nevşehir and Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus and on return flights (Turkish Airlines flights only; does not include Interline flights) from these destinations, we will transport one bicycle as part of the checked baggage allowance applicable to your ticket. Additional fees will be charged when transporting more than one piece of sports equipment.