
Message from the Chairman of the Board and the Executive Committee, Prof. Ahmet Bolat

Dear Esteemed Stakeholders,

As the airline flying to the most countries in the world, we build bridges between countries, continents and cultures in line with our mission. We create value for all those we touch and everywhere that we fly in accordance with our sustainability strategy. This strategy is structured around four focal points: people, the planet, development, and governance functions. We grow as we create value and we view sustainability as a journey, one that must be internalized at all levels of the Company. In this journey, we take the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations as our guide.

You can read the full message from our Chairman of the Board of Directors here.

Our corporate sustainability approach

We are determined to make sustainability an internalized perspective of all our employees and a natural part of our corporate culture. In line with our in-house structuring, we work to extend the policies in this field to all units of our Incorporation, from the management level downwards.

Corporate governance

We have adopted transparency, fairness, liability and accountability as our principles in all our operations. Turkish Airlines complies with all mandatory principles in the Corporate Governance Principles determined by the Capital Markets Board, and demonstrates utmost care to comply with the optional principles.

Turkish Airlines’ Board of Directors is comprised of nine members, three of whom are independent Board Members also elected by the General Assembly. These persons report to the Executive Committee, Audit Committee, Early Identification of Risks Committee, Corporate Governance Committee and Sustainability Committee.

Engaging with stakeholders

We create value for all those we touch and everywhere that we fly. we consider our success equivalent to the value added that we create for our stakeholders. Since, we are fully aware of that the sustainable development can only be achieved all together.

We attach important to establish a transparent and constructive dialogue with all our stakeholders in favor of enhancing bigger collaborations.

You can accsess a comprehensive table of our stakeholder interaction points here.

Business Ethics

You can find the details of our corporate governance understanding of business ethics and ethical conduct here.

You can access the SDG map, which shows the actions we have taken within the framework of sustainable development goals, here.


As Turkish Airlines, we are proud to share our awards. We are consistently recognized for our achievements, attained by integrating best-in-class service quality with our sustainability approach.

Our collaborations, projects, and indices