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Avrupa Birliği’nin 889/2002 Sayılı Düzenlemesi’nin Eki

Yasal Uyarı

Bu uyarı, Avrupa Birliği’nin 889/2002 Sayılı Düzenlemesi uyarınca zorunludur. Bu uyarı, tazminat davası açmak ya da Düzenleme’nin veya Montreal Konvansiyonu’nun hükümlerini yorumlamak için kullanılamaz. Bu uyarı, taşıyıcı ile aranızdaki sözleşmenin bir parçasını oluşturmaz. Uyarının içeriğinin doğruluğu taşıyıcı tarafından beyan edilmemiştir.

Havayolu firmasının yolcu ve bagajları için sorumluluğu Daha fazla bilgi >>

Bu bilgilendirme duyurusu, Avrupa Birliği havayollarının Birlik mevzuatı ve Montreal Konvansiyonu’nca belirlenen sorumluluk kurallarını özetler.

Ölüm veya yaralanma halinde tazminat Daha fazla bilgi >>

113.100 SDR’ye (123.000 EUR) kadar zararlar için, havayolu firması tazminat taleplerine itiraz edemez. Bu tutarın üstünde olan durumlarda, havayolu firması kendisinin ihmali veya hatası olmadığını ispatlamak suretiyle kendini savunur.

Ön ödemeler Daha fazla bilgi >>

Eğer yolcu hayatını kaybettiyse veya yaralandıysa, havayolu firması acil maddi ihtiyaçları karşılamak için, kimlik tesbitini takiben 15 gün içinde tazminata hak kazanan kişiye bir ön ödeme yapmak zorundadır. Ölüm halinde, söz konusu ön ödeme 16.000 SDR'den (20.000 EUR) az olamaz.

Yolcu gecikmeleri Daha fazla bilgi >>

Yolcu gecikmesi halinde; havayolu firması, zararı önlemek amacıyla gerekli tüm tedbirleri almadıkça veya bu tedbirleri almak mümkün değilse zarardan sorumludur. Yolcu gecikmesi için sorumluluk 4.694 SDR (5.100 EUR) ile sınırlandırılmıştır.

Bagaj gecikmeleri Daha fazla bilgi >>

Bagaj gecikmesi halinde; havayolu firması, zararı önlemek amacıyla gerekli tüm tedbirleri almadıkça veya bu tedbirleri almak mümkün değilse zarardan sorumludur. Yolcu gecikmesi için sorumluluk 1.519 SDR ile sınırlandırılmıştır.

Bagaj tahribatı, kaybı ve hasarı:

Havayolu firması, bagajın tahribatı, kaybı veya hasar görmesi halinde 1.519 SDR’ye kadar sorumludur. Kayıtlı bagaj durumunda, taşıyıcı kabahatli değilse bile sorumludur. Kayıtlı olmayan bagaj durumunda, taşıyıcı kabahatliyse sorumludur.

Bagaj için yüksek limitler Daha fazla bilgi >>

Yolcu, uçuşa kabul sırasında özel bir bildirim yaparak ve ek ücret ödeyerek daha yüksek sorumluluk limitlerinden faydalanabilir.

Bagaj konusunda şikâyetler Daha fazla bilgi >>

Eğer bagaj zarar görmüş, gecikmiş, kaybolmuş ya da tahrip olmuşsa, yolcu mümkün olan en kısa sürede şikâyetini havayolu firmasına yazılı olarak bildirmelidir. Yolcu, bagajın yolcunun kullanımına verildiğinden itibaren, kayıtlı bagajın zarar görmesi halinde yedi gün içinde, kayıtlı bagajın gecikmesi halinde yirmi bir gün içinde yazılı şikâyette bulunmalıdır.

Sözleşme akdedilen ve fiili taşıyıcıların sorumluluğu Daha fazla bilgi >>

Uçuşu gerçekleştiren havayolu firması sözleşme akdedilen havayolu firması ile aynı havayolu firması değilse, yolcunun her iki firmaya da şikayette bulunma ya da tazminat talep etme hakkı saklıdır. Bilet üstünde bir havayolu firmasının adı veya kodu belirtilmişse, bu havayolu firması sözleşme yapılan havayolu firmasıdır.

Dava için zaman kısıtı Daha fazla bilgi >>

Tazminat talebi için her türlü mahkeme başvurusu uçağın varış tarihinden veya varması gereken tarihten itibaren iki yıl içinde yapılmalıdır.

Bilginin yasal dayanağı Daha fazla bilgi >>

Yukarıda tanımlanan kurallar için dayanak, Birlik’e ve üye devletlerin ulusal mevzuatına Düzenleme (EC) No.2027/97 (Düzenleme (EC) No. 889/2002 ile tadil edilmiş) ile uygulanmış 28 Mayıs 1999 tarihli Montreal Konvansiyonu’dur.

AB 889 Sayılı Tüzüğü

Havayolu taşıyıcısının yolcu ve bagajından doğan sorumluluğu Daha fazla bilgi >>

İşbu bilgilendirme özeti metni, Türk Hava Yolları'nın Avrupa Birliği çıkış ve Avrupa Birliği varışlı uçuşlarında (Birlik kurallarına ve Montreal Konvansiyonu hükümlerine göre) uygulanacak sorumluluğa ilişkin düzenlemeleri belirlemektedir.

Ölüm ve yaralanma halinde sorumluluk Daha fazla bilgi >>

Yolcunun ölümü veya yaralanması nedeni ile sorumluluğumuz herhangi bir üst sınırlamaya tabi olmayacaktır. Yolcu ile ilgili tüm taleplerde, yolcunun müterafik kusuruna ilişkin uygulanabilir mevzuat hükümlerini ileri sürme hakkımız bulunmaktadır. Ancak, yolcu ölümü veya yaralanması veya bedensel zarara uğraması halinde 113.100 SDR’ye kadar olan zararlarda herhangi bir sorumluluktan kurtulma defi öne sürmeyeceğiz. 113.100 SDR’nin üzerindeki taleplerde ise,

  • Varşova Konvansiyonu’nun uygulandığı durumlarda kendimizin ve adamlarımızın her türlü tedbirleri aldığını veya almamızın imkansız olduğunu,
  • Montreal Konvansiyonu hükümlerinin uygulandığı durumlarda, zararın meydana gelmesinde bir kusur ya da ihmalimizin bulunmadığını, ispat ile sorumluluktan kurtulma defini ileri sürebiliriz.

Varşova Konvansiyonu ‘nun uygulandığı durumlarda, sigorta veya  benzeri kamu kurum ve kuruluşlarınca yapılan rücuen tazmin taleplerinde sorumluluk limitinden veya defi haklarından feragat uygulanmayacaktır.

Ön ödeme:

Ölüm veya yaralanma halinde, tarafımızca gecikmeksizin ve her halükarda tazminata hak kazanan gerçek şahısların teşhisinden itibaren 15 gün içinde söz konusu şahısların acil ekonomik ihtiyaçlarını karşılamak için müzayaka içine düştüğü nispette gerekli miktarda ön ödeme yapılır. Bu hükme halel gelmemek kaydıyla yolcu ölümü halinde bu ön ödeme miktarı yolcu başına 16.000 SDR karşılığından az olmayacaktır.

Hava taşıması esnasında yolcunun gecikmesi Daha fazla bilgi >>

Yolcunun gecikmesi durumunda, yolcunun müterafik kusuruna ilişkin uygulanabilir mevzuat hükümlerini ileri sürebildiğimiz haller saklı kalmak kaydıyla, sorumluluğumuz aşağıda belirtilen limitlerle sınırlandırılmıştır.

Varşova Konvansiyonu’nun uygulandığı durumlarda; zararının önlenmesi için kendimizin ve adamlarımızın her türlü tedbirleri aldığını veya almamızın imkansız olduğunu ispat etmemiz halinde sorumluluğumuz bulunmamaktadır.

Montreal Konvansiyonu hükümlerinin uygulandığı durumlarda, zararın meydana gelmesinin önlenmesi için öngörülebilir tüm tedbirleri aldığımızı ya da bu tedbirlerin alınmasının imkansız olduğunu ispat etmemiz halinde, sorumluluğumuz bulunmamaktadır. Montreal Konvansiyonu’na göre sorumluluğumuz 4.694 SDR ile (yaklaşık 5.000 EUR) sınırlandırılmıştır.

Hava taşıması esnasında bagajın, hasarı, kaybı, gecikmesi hali Daha fazla bilgi >>

Varşova Konvansiyonu’nun uygulandığı durumlarda:

Bagajın tahrip olması, kaybı, hasarı ya da gecikmesi durumunda yolcunun ya da hakların dayandırdığı kişinin müterafik kusuruna ilişkin uygulanabilir mevzuat hükümlerini ileri sürebiliriz. Bunun dışında, zararın önlenmesi için kendimizin ve adamlarımızın her türlü tedbirleri aldığını veya almamızın imkansız olduğunu ispat etmemiz durumundaki sorumluluğumuz bulunmamaktadır. Bu haller dışında sorumluluğumuz aşağıda belirtilen limitlerle sınırlandırılmıştır.

Varşova Konvansiyonu’na göre sorumluluğumuz kayıtlı bagaj için kilogram başına 250 Poincare Franc (birçok ülkede yaklaşık 20 USD) ve kayıtsız bagaj için toplam 5.000 Poincare Franc (yaklaşık 400 USD) ile sınırlandırılmıştır. Zarar vermek kastıyla veya ihmalimiz olduğunun ispatı halinde bu limitler uygulanmaz.

Bagaja ilişkin dava önşartı şikâyet ihbarı Daha fazla bilgi >>

Kayıtlı Bagaj hasarı halinde, bagajı taslim almaya yetkili kişi, hasarın öğrenilmesinden sonra derhal ve bagajın teslim alınışından itibaren en geç yedi gün içinde, gecikme halinde Bagajın kendisine teslime hazır bulundurulduğu tarihten itibaren yirmibir gün içinde tarafımıza yazılı ihbarda bulunmak zorundadır. Aksi takdirde aleyhimize dava açamazsınız. Şikayet ihbarınızı yukarıdaki süreler içnde yazılı olarak yapmanız şarttır.

Sözleşme akdedilen ve fiilen taşıyan havayolu firmalarının sorumlulukları Daha fazla bilgi >>

Yolcunun sözleşme akdettiği havayolu firması ile seferi bilfiil icra eden taşıyan havayolu firmasının birbirinden farklı olması halinde yolcu tazminat şikayetini ya da tazminat talebini her iki havayolu firmasına yöneltebilir. Bilet üzerinde ismi ya da uçuş kodu verilen havayolu firması, sözleşme akdedilen havayolu firması sayılır.

Davalarda süre kısıtlaması (Hak düşürücü süre) Daha fazla bilgi >>

Tazminat davası, hava aracının varış yerine geldiği veya gelmesi gerektiği günden veya taşımanın durduğu tarihten itibaren iki yıl içinde açılmazsa, hasar ve zarara ilişkin her türlü dava ve talep hakkı düşer.

Bildirimin yasal dayanağı Daha fazla bilgi >>

İşbu bildirim 1995 tarihinde La Haye’de değiştirilen 1929 tarihli Varşova Konvansiyonu, yolcu taşımasında havayolunun sorumluluğuna ilişkin 1995 tarihli IATA anlaşması, bu anlaşmanın uygulanmasına dair 1995 tarihli IATA anlaşması ile 1999 tarihli Montreal Konvansiyonu hükümlerine dayanmaktadır.


Contingency Plan for Lengthy Tarmac Delays Learn more >>

This contingency plan for lengthy tarmac delays is applicable to flights operated by Turkish Airlines and has been adopted pursuant to the requirements of section 259.4 of the regulations of the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT).

For all flights, which depart from or arrive at U.S. airports, we will not allow the aircraft to remain on the tarmac for more than 4 hours without an opportunity for passengers to deplane unless the pilot-in-command (PIC) determines there are safety or security reasons that the aircraft cannot leave its position on the tarmac to deplane passengers or Air Traffic Control (ATC) advises the PIC that returning to the gate or another disembarkation point would significantly disrupt airport operations. 

We will make reasonable efforts to provide convenient and comfortable service to all customers in the event that a flight is delayed. 

In particular, in the event of a tarmac delay, we will

1) Provide adequate food and potable water no later than two hours following gate departure or flight touch-down if the aircraft remains on the tarmac, unless the PIC determines that safety or security considerations preclude such service. 

2) Ensure that lavatory facilities are operable and that adequate medical assistance is available if needed. 

3) Notify passengers on the aircraft every 30 minutes regarding the status of the delay, including the reasons for the delay, if known. 

4) Provide passengers on the aircraft notification every 30 minutes that they have the opportunity to deplane, if that opportunity exists. 

We have committed sufficient resources to implement this plan and we have coordinated this plan with airport authorities (including terminal facility operators, U.S. Customs and Border Protection, and the Transportation Security Administration) at all U.S. airports that we serve including regular civilian diversion airports that are defined by DOT to be a “non-hub” or larger airport. 

We will make reasonable efforts to comply with this plan in the event of a diversion to any other U.S. airport.

Pursuant to Turkish Airlines’s Conditions of Carriage, for flights operated on our behalf by other carriers, the applicable contingency plan will be that of the operating carrier.

Customer Service Plan Learn more >>

Turkish Airlines values all of its customers and is continually working to improve its services and to offer the safest and most comfortable trip to every customer.

The following Customer Service Plan provides a summary of the actions taken by Turkish Airlines to assist its customers.

This Customer Service Plan is applicable to services provided in the United States and in connection with scheduled flights to/from the United States by Turkish Airlines and has been adopted pursuant to U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) regulations.

Offering the lowest fare available

For reservations made via Turkish Airlines’ U.S. website, U.S. phone reservation center, or U.S. airport ticketing counters, we will offer the lowest fares available through that booking channel, when you provide specific travel dates, flights, and class of service information. For reservations made via the phone reservation center or airport ticketing counters, we will also advise you if lower fares may be available through the website.

Notifying passengers of known delays, cancellations, and diversions

For flights that depart in 7 days or less, we will provide timely information about known delays of 30 minutes or more, cancellations and diversions (“flight status information”),within 30 minutes of our becoming aware of it, by: 

  • Providing flight status information through the website and upon request via the phone reservation center.
  • Providing flight status information through announcements at gates and through flight status displays at airports in the U.S.
  • Providing this flight status information through notification services (including e-mail), to the extent such services are offered by Turkish Airlines, to passengers who register on the website to receive e-mail updates.

Delivering baggage on time 

We will make reasonable efforts to ensure that all checked baggage is available as soon as possible after a passenger’s flight arrives at the gate. In the unlikely event your baggage does not arrive at your destination with you, we will initiate a search and make reasonable efforts to return the baggage to you within 24 hours. In the further unlikely event that your baggage cannot be located, we will refund any fees that you have paid for its transportation (including fees for extra or overweight baggage). In addition, we will pay compensation for lost or delayed baggage as required by applicable international agreements.

Allowing full refund within 24 hours after ticketing

Effective for ticket purchases made on or after January 1, 2023: If you purchase a Turkish Airlines ticket to or from the United States at least 7 days prior to the flight’s departure date and time through any of Turkish Airlines’ sales channels in the United States (Call center, ticket office, website, etc.), you may refund the ticket within 24 hours of purchase and receive a full refund.

If you do not request your refund within 24 hours of ticket purchase, all ticket rules will apply.

If you experience any problems in requesting a refund, please do not hesitate to call Turkish Airlines’ 24/7 Call Center at (800) 874-8875.

Providing prompt ticket refunds

If a passenger has purchased a ticket that is eligible for a refund via the website, phone reservation center, or airport ticketing counters and the passenger makes a timely request for a refund, we will provide prompt refunds as follows: 

  • For purchases by credit card, we will submit the request for a refund to the credit card issuer within 7 business days of receiving your completed request for a refund. (The credit card issuer will refund the purchase price under the terms of the credit card agreement; your credit card statement may not immediately reflect the refund.) 
  • For purchases by cash or check, we will issue your refund within 20 business days of receipt of your completed request for a refund. Refunds must be requested through the phone reservations center. A complete request for a refund may require information including your name, address, credit card number, ticket number, dates of travel, and origin and destination of travel. 
  • We will also refund fees charged to a passenger for optional services that the passenger was unable to use due to an oversale situation or flight cancellation.

Please contact your travel agent for refund requests for tickets purchased via a travel agent.

Properly accommodating passengers with disabilities, and other passengers in need of assistance

We are committed to offering convenient and comfortable service to all of our passengers, including passengers who require special assistance.

For passengers with disabilities, we will comply with DOT regulations. We also offer certain services for children traveling alone, passengers who are pregnant or traveling with small children, and other passengers who may require special assistance. While passengers may ask for assistance at the airport, there are, however, certain service requests which require advance notice. Please note that even in cases where advance notice is not explicitly required, we recommend that passengers inform us in advance of any special assistance requests so we can best be prepared to serve you. Such notification will help us plan ahead for your safe and comfortable travel. Please call 1800-874-8875 for further details.

We will make reasonable efforts to meet the requirements of passengers who require special assistance and also to ensure that the requirements of any passengers who require special assistance are met during a lengthy tarmac delay.

Compliance with the Contingency Plan for Lengthy Tarmac Delays

In the event of a lengthy tarmac delay involving a flight departing from or arriving at any U.S. airport, we will make every reasonable effort to meet passengers’ essential needs as described in our Contingency Plan for Lengthy Tarmac Delays.

Treating passengers fairly and consistently in the case of oversales

Occasionally we may not be able to provide a passenger with a seat on a flight, even if he/she holds a ticket and has checked in on time. This is called an “oversale” and can occur for reasons such as safety restrictions on the maximum weight that an aircraft can carry; an unplanned change in the size of the aircraft operating the flight; or if there otherwise are more passengers who have checked in and are prepared to board than there are available seats. Passengers denied boarding or involuntarily downgraded due to an oversale on a flight departing the U.S. are in most cases entitled to transportation on an alternate flight to the final destination and/or compensation, as required by DOT regulations. We will consistently follow DOT requirements and our own policies in the event of an oversale, including by asking for volunteers before denying boarding or involuntarily downgrading any passenger, and by providing a written statement to each passenger denied boarding which describes his or her rights.

Please be advised to arrive at the airport two hours prior to scheduled departure for international flights.

Disclosing cancellation policies, frequent flyer rules and aircraft configuration information

The following information will be available via the website:

  • Cancellation policies applicable to each type of ticket fare are displayed when purchasing via the website, and agreed to by the customer at time of purchase.
  • The rules and policies for our frequent flyer program.
  • Aircraft configuration charts, including the number of seats and the location of lavatories. (Aircraft configuration charts for flights operated by our codeshare partners may be obtained from their websites.) 

Upon request, our phone reservations center can also provide this information, or identify its location on the website.

Providing information about itinerary changes

For flights that depart in more than 7 days, we will notify customers in a timely manner of changes in their travel itineraries (including changes in the scheduled departure time, as well as delays or cancellations) through notification services (including e-mail) to the extent such services are offered by Turkish Airlines, to passengers who register on the website to receive e-mail updates and upon request through the website and the phone reservations center.

Ensuring responsiveness to customer problems

We welcome the opportunity to address the concerns and opinions of our valued customers, while continually striving to improve our service.

Although we will make every effort to respond much sooner, at the very latest we will acknowledge, in writing, all written complaints within 30 days, and provide a substantive response within 60 days, in accordance with DOT regulations. We will also promptly respond to other comments and feedback. Information about how to contact us is available here or by e-mail to You can share your comments, feedback and suggestions via our online feedback form.

Providing services to minimize inconvenience resulting from delays and cancellations

In the event of flight delays, cancellations or misconnections, we will make reasonable efforts to assist passengers in rebooking travel to their destination. As described above in sections 2 and 10, we will promptly notify to passengers of known flight irregularities and itinerary changes. Additionally:

  • If rebooking options are not available and you can not arrive at your final destination on the originally scheduled arrival date due to an irregularity under our control, we may, at our direction, offer complimentary overnight hotel accommodations.
  • If the cause of the problem is severe weather conditions and/or other issues outside of our control, in most cases complementary accommodations will not be arranged, but we will make reasonable efforts to provide information enabling you to secure your own accommodations.


Israel Aviation Services Law 5772-2012 Learn more

Notification of Rights under Israel Aviation Services Law 5772-2012

Below are the rights established by the new law that applies to all flights operated to/from Israel as of 16 August 2012

This information is based on Israel Aviation Services Law 5772-2012 in force since 16 August 2012 to all flights operated to/from Israel.

This Regulation applies in the event of denied boarding and of cancellation or long delay of flights provided that: You are the holder of a confirmed reservation on any flight operated by Turkish Airlines to/from Israel, including flights with layovers. The ticket acquired corresponds to a tariff published. You have checked in and arrived at the airport at least 90 minutes prior to the scheduled departure time of your flight.


If your flight was cancelled (or delayed for more than 8 hours) without prior notice and the cancellation is not due to extraordinary circumstances beyond our control, we shall provide you with:

  • Free assistance to make two telephone calls, or to send a fax or an e-mail; food and drink in accordance with the waiting time; in case of an alternative flight - accommodation and transfers, if an overnight stay is necessary.
  • A refund of your ticket or an alternative ticket for the e arliest possible date for the contracted destination.
  • The corresponding compensation as detailed below:
A Flight distance Compensation (Shekels)
B Up to 2,000 km 1,440
C Up to 4,500 km 2,310
D Over 4,500 km 3,460
  • However, the amount of compensation shall be reduced by 50% when changing to an alternative flight that will take you to your destination:

- With up to a 2 hours difference for flights of 2,000 km.

- With up to a 3 hours difference for flights of more than 2,000 km and less than 4,500 km.

- With up to a 4 hours difference for flights of more than 4,500 km.


If we have denied your boarding, it will have been as a result of not being able to find enough volunteers willing to opt for our financial compensation in exchange for giving up their seat and transferring to a later flight. Under these circumstances you are entitled to choose between an alternative flight or refund of the consideration paid for the flight and we will award compensation equal to that described in the cancellations table, however, the amount of compensation shall be reduced by 50% when changing to an alternative flight that will take you to your destination:

A Flight distance Hours difference Compensation (Shekels)
B Up to 2,000 km Up to 4 hours 720
C Up to 4,500 km Up to 5 hours 1,155
D Over 4,500 km Up to 6 hours 1,730


If the departure of your flight is delayed, we will assist you according to the waiting time, as detailed:

  • From 2 to 5 hours:

- Food and drink in accordance with the waiting time;

- Communication services

  • More than 5 hours and up to 8 hours: in addition to the aforementioned protection, the following is added:

- The offer of a refund or an alternative flight;

- In case of an alternative flight - hotel accommodation and transportation if an over night stay is necessary.


  • If your flight was brought forward for more than 5 hours and less than 8 hours without prior notice, we shall provide you with a refund of your ticket or an alternative ticket for the earliest possible date for the contracted destination.
  • If your flight was brought forward for more than 8 hours without prior notice and the cancellation is not due to extraordinary circumstances beyond our control, we shall provide you with compensation equal to that described in the cancellations table, in addition to the above.


If for any reason we are forced to change your Business Class seat for a seat in Economy Class, you shall be compensated, within 21 days, for an amount equal to 80% of the price of your ticket.

This notification contains a summary of the rights to benefits available under the Law. In the event of inconsistency between the terms of this notification and the provisions of the said Law, the provisions of the Law will apply.

Aviation Services Law of Israel 5772-2012: Enacted by the Parliament (Knesset) on the 29 Iyar, 5772 (21 May 2012).

Notice according to the Israeli Consumer Protection Law Learn more

According to Israeli Consumer Protection Law (“CPL”), 5741-1981, any transaction  carried out in a "long-distance sales transaction" (according to the definition of this term under the Israeli CPL) can be canceled within fourteen (14) days of the date of the transaction, or as of the date of receiving the transactions’ summary document (as required under the CPL) and no less than seven (7) days, not being days of rest, prior to the departure date of the first flight on your itinerary.

Subject to the provisions of the Law, if you are a consumer who is “disabled”, “senior citizen” or “new immigrant”, as these terms are defined under the CPL, you can cancel a "long-distance sales transaction" within four (4) months as of the date of the transaction, or as of the date of receiving the transactions’ summary document (as required under the CPL) and no less than seven (7) days, not being days of rest, prior to the departure date of the first flight on your itinerary.

This will apply solely on transactions which included a conversation between yourself and the seller (including a conversation by means of electronic communication). Kindly note that we are entitled to demand documentation to verify your status.

When a cancellation is being made according to the provisions of the CPL as stipulated above, the cancellation fee shall be equal to the lesser between 5% and NIS 100.

When a cancellation under the provisions of the CPL is a result of non-conformance, failure to provide the service at the scheduled date or due to any other alleged breach of contract – you will be entitled to receive a full refund within 14 days from the cancellation notice.

A “long distance transaction” can be cancelled through each of the following methods:

  • Orally, through our customer service center, at the telephone number +97236945919;
  • By email to:

The cancellation notice must contain the name of the customer and the identification number.


Taiwan online reservation and booking. Learn more

The seven-day refund policy of the Taiwan Consumer Protection Act does not apply to bookings made with an international airline company. For ticket changes, cancellation and refunds, customers should refer to the terms and conditions of our fare rules