Turkish Airlines Corporate Club terms and conditions
You can find detailed information about Turkish Airlines Corporate Club terms and conditions on this page.
1. General terms
Turkish Airlines is the owner and program administrator of the Turkish Airlines Corporate Club™ program and will be referred to as THY. Corporate customers joining the program will be referred to as "members". The program has been created to offer a range of benefits to members. THY reserves the right include other airlines and institutions (hotels, vehicle rental companies, etc.) in the program.
THY reserves the right to amend any and all terms and conditions of the program and reserves the right to change these rules without liability and without notice. Changes to other program terms and conditions as well as the terms and conditions set forth here, and any specific actions taken will be available in other Turkish Airlines Corporate Club information documents and ongoing communication channels (e.g. Turkish Airlines Corporate Club newsletter, announcements on the Turkish Airlines Corporate Club website, Skylife etc.). Members enter into agreement with THY on the basis of these General Terms and Conditions, the documents referred to herein, and in the understanding that changes may be made to these.
1.1. Definitions
“Turkish Airlines Corporate Club” refers to the name of the product offered to legal entities by Turkish Airlines.
“Program” refers to the Turkish Airlines Corporate Club product whose terms and conditions are defined here.
“Member” refers to a legal entity which accepts the Turkish Airlines Corporate Club terms and conditions and whose membership application is accepted.
“Legal Entity” refers to companies, public institutions, associations, foundations and any other legal non-governmental organizations carrying out activities other than airline and travel agency activities.
“Terms and Conditions” refers to the conditions of joining and executing the Turkish Airlines Corporate Club program stated in this document.
“Eligible Airline” refers to airlines included in the program.
“Eligible Flights” refers to flights operated by eligible airlines and to which the program benefits apply.
“Corporate Fare” refers to the current applicable fares with reference to Turkish Airlines Corporate Club benefits in countries in which the program is offered.
“Authorized Person” refers to the individual designated as the responsible person at application and who is responsible for the management of the Corporate Account.
“Limited User” refers to a person authorized by the authorized person to complete transactions via the Corporate Account.
“Passenger” refers to people added to the Corporate Accounts as passengers by the authorized person.
“Corporate Account” refers to the online platform (accessible with a user name and password) via which the authorized person and limited users can purchase tickets, add passengers, manage membership, etc.
“Password” refers to the code consisting of letters or numbers created by the authorized person to access the Corporate Account.
“User Name” refers to the e-mail address specified by the authorized person while applying to join the program.
“Discount” refers discount benefits which are applied to the net fare of defined corporate fare classes, and which vary depending on the country in which the program is applied.
“Turkish Airlines Corporate Club Partner Agency” refers to agencies which have signed the Partner Agency Contract with THY and which are authorized to issue tickets to corporate members.
“Trip Code” refers to the code issued to members under the Turkish Airlines Corporate Club program, and which is required to be entered for all member tickets.
“Corporate Help Desk” refers to the e-mail address and call center established to provide service to members.
“Turkish Airlines Corporate Club Card” refers to the card issued to allow members to check in at business class counters for international flights departing from Türkiye, and to access Lounges along with a guest.
"Miles&Smiles” refers to THY's frequent flyer program offered to individual passengers.
“Baggage Benefit” refers to the exclusive baggage benefit applied to corporate fares.
2. Membership
2.1. Institutions eligible for membership
Membership of the Turkish Airlines Corporate Club program is available to all legal entities which are legally at liberty to join corporate loyalty programs, are domiciled in any country in which the Turkish Airlines Corporate Club program is offered, and which do not have an existing corporate travel agreement with THY. Legal entities may become program members as long as they conform to the rules concerning this status.
2.2. Institutions not eligible for membership
Institutions and organizations engaged in the sale of plane tickets or authorized to sell plane tickets, travel agencies, or congress/fair etc. event companies are prohibited from becoming Turkish Airlines Corporate Club program members.
2.3. Individuality of applicants
All legal entities which are part of a Holding and/or established Group Company may apply to the Turkish Airlines Corporate Club program as a group or separately. In case a group company becomes a member, sub companies cannot make separate membership applications without the permission of the group company.
2.4. Commencement of membership
Applying to the program is free of charge. Legal entities meeting the criteria of articles 2.1. and 2.2. intending to become members of the Turkish Airlines Corporate Club program must complete the application form found on the Turkish Airlines Corporate Club official website. Then, once these general terms and conditions have been accepted, the application will be processed. THY will send the applicant a confirmation e-mail upon acceptance and program membership will begin as of the given membership start date. Turkish Airlines reserves the right to accept or reject any applications made to the Turkish Airlines Corporate Club program.
2.5. Turkish Airlines Corporate Club corporate account
Transactions related to membership and the services provided are managed via the Corporate Account.
2.5.1 Authorized person
All transactions carried out via the Corporate Account are the responsibility of the authorized person. Changes to the authorized person must be requested via the Corporate Account. Requests regarding membership made by anyone other than the authorized person will not be considered. The authorized person is responsible for the accuracy of information requested in relation to membership. Loss of rights arising from incorrect information, updating information, missing contact information, etc. is the responsibility of the member.
2.5.2. User name and password
A user name and password will be allocated to every member to access the Corporate Account. Any situations arising as a result of an unauthorized third party receiving a user name and password are the responsibility of the authorized person. The protection of the user name and the privacy of the password is the sole responsibility of the member and authorized person. If it is suspected that third party has obtained a user name and/or password, the Corporate Help Desk should be informed immediately. Until the Corporate Help Desk is informed of such a situation by the authorized person, THY is in no way liable for third parties holding user names or passwords, or for any damages or loss which may occur to the member or a third party.
3. Turkish Airlines Corporate Club program
3.1. Program content
The benefits which members can take advantage of with the Turkish Airlines Corporate Club program are defined on the official Turkish Airlines Corporate Club website. Program benefits may vary depending on the country in which the membership is registered and the availability of benefits.
3.2. Program membership code
In order to track the number of flights purchased, THY will allocate a member a membership "Tour Code". THY is not responsible for any loss incurred by the member if the tour code issued to a member is entered incorrectly and/or not entered at all when tickets are purchased via sales channels other than the Corporate Account.
3.3. Program benefits
3.3.1. Discount benefit
On tickets issued for flights operated by THY, discounts on corporate fares will be applied (regardless of any ticket purchase commitments) within the period specified in the Terms of Participation under the heading "Term of Membership, Termination, Suspension, End of Program Membership" in the Terms and Conditions.
Discounts are applied to net fares. Fuel/insurance charges and tax are not subject to discount. Discounts are applied to "Passenger Type ADULT" fares. Discounts are not applied to any other fare type. For example, discounts are not applied to sailor/worker/child /elderly/infant fares. In addition to this, discounts are not applied to fares set for flights operated by airlines with which THY has entered into sales and marketing agreements, or “thorough fares” set for flights operated by other airlines which connect to THY flights (codeshare agreement fares, Special Prorate Agreement fares, etc.). Discounts are not applied to promotional classes.
3.3.2. Baggage benefit
This is the baggage allowance automatically added to corporate fares once ticketed. There may be routes on which the baggage benefit is equal to or less than the general baggage allowance. THY does not guarantee that the baggage benefit will be equal to or exceed the general baggage allowance.
3.3.3. Turkish Airlines Corporate Club card
The Turkish Airlines Corporate Club card is available to corporate structures with a flight volume above a certain turnover. Cards issued from foreign countries are valid in Turkey and the country indicated on the card, while cards issued in Turkey are valid only in Turkey. Cardholders can check in at the business counter on international flights departing from Turkey and benefit from CIP Lounges. A card is unique to a card holder, and will be issued for individuals specified by the member to be used by those individuals. THY will inform the Turkish Airlines Corporate Club card holder of the benefits provided to them as well as the card validity period. THY reserves the right to unilaterally change the number of cards issued, card validity and card benefits. A person who cancels a card cannot make another request for a card within the same year.
3.4. Eligible flights
Business trips made by staff or third parties whose travel costs are covered by the member are included under the Turkish Airlines Corporate Club program. Private travel of member staff, customer loyalty programs in effect or to be introduced for the purposes of sales and marketing of goods and services, and customer travel costs covered by sales campaigns and/or other similar activities are also included in the scope of the Turkish Airlines Corporate Club program. Members accept and undertake that the Turkish Airlines Corporate Club program will not be used to allocate tickets to third parties outside the scope of this article. If requested by THY, the member will provide THY with detailed documentation for tickets issued in the scope of the Turkish Airlines Corporate Club program and evidence that the tickets are in the scope of this article in the format requested by THY.
3.5. Reservation and ticketing
3.5.1. Ticketing via corporate accounts
Using the user name and password issued to it, a member may issue corporate tickets for passengers it has added via the Corporate Account. The number of passengers that can be added is limited to 100. A member can change 10 passengers per month. If requested by the member, THY may change the number of passengers and the right to change passengers depending of the volume of tickets purchased, employee number and sector of the member. The authorized person of the member is responsible for any loss that may arise from ticketing (incorrect entry of passenger information, incorrect route, etc.). Tickets purchased via the Corporate Account are automatically registered under the member's name. THY is not responsible for errors made during ticketing. However, if the member notifies THY of the error, THY will try to rectify the error as quickly as possible.
3.5.2. Turkish Airlines Corporate Club partner agency ticketing
Alongside THY's direct sales channels, a member can make reservations and complete ticket transactions with an agency on the Turkish Airlines Corporate Club Partner Agency list.
3.5.3. Other sales channels
THY may also open other channels other than the Corporate Account to members in the future, such as the THY Call Center, THY Mobile and THY Sales Offices. Members will be informed if another sales channel is opened.
3.6. Validity of program records
In the calculation of Turkish Airlines Corporate Club earnings in relation to these General Terms and Conditions, only THY income data will be taken into consideration. Flight income is the net income of completed scheduled THY flight coupons covered in Article 3.3.1. and does not include taxes and other charges (service charges, fuel surcharges, VAT, etc.). The coupons indicated below are not included in the net income of flight coupons.
a. Flight coupons issued by other airlines.
b. Coupons used on THY flights issued with ticket stock of airlines other than THY,
c. Flight coupons issued for partner flights with other airlines (codeshare),
d. Flight coupons issued with Hajj/Umrah fares,
e. Free ticket flight coupons, including tickets earned with ticket sales commission
4. Duration of membership and termination
4.1. Duration of membership
A Turkish Airlines Corporate Club membership is valid for one year. Taking into account the flight data of the previous year, membership is automatically renewed for the following year, and the authorized person will be informed of the applicable benefits for the new period. Benefits offered under the program are valid throughout the membership period.
4.2. Termination, suspension and expiry of membership
A member may terminate their Turkish Airlines Corporate Club program membership without notice using the contact form or by sending an e-mail to corporateclub@thy.com. A member cannot claim any rights if membership is terminated at its own request. THY may terminate membership at any time without justification, on condition that 30 (thirty) days prior notice is given. If termination is justified, this notice period will not apply. THY may suspend membership in the following cases. The right to suspend a membership will continue in case there is any due suspicion that the cases below exist and while these are being investigated. If such cases do exist, without prejudice to all other rights to compensation and legal action, THY may terminate a membership with immediate effect without need for notice and will not honor its respective obligations to the member.
I) Where the Turkish Airlines Corporate Club General Terms and Conditions of Participation, conditions specified in other Turkish Airlines Corporate Club information documents, or THY General Conditions of Carriage are severely contravened by persons for whom a member has purchased a ticket,
II) Where incorrect information (e.g. membership information, details to do with flights taken) is provided by persons for whom a member has purchased a ticket, or taking advantage of the Turkish Airlines Corporate Club program in contravention of the conditions or the law,
III) Contravention of article 3.3.,
IV) A member's contravention of the membership confidentiality provisions,
V) Transfer of the commercial title of the company, change of company name, assignment of the commercial title and assets to another person or organization, or transfer of the title to the other company,
VI) A member's inability to pay its debts, declaration of bankruptcy, going into liquidation, or going into administration.
VII) Where a member informs THY in writing that it will not be able to fulfill partially or fully its membership commitments, for financial, administrative, legal reasons, etc.
4.3. Validity of benefits in case of termination
Rights earned in relation to the Turkish Airlines Corporate Club membership will remain valid for a period of 6 months after a membership is terminated through written notice, either by THY or the member. Within this period, the member may use its earned rights in exchange for awards in accordance with program conditions. In case THY has justifiable reason to terminate a membership, all rights and awards will become invalid upon termination.
5. Right to make changes to the program, and rights and obligations under the program
5.1. Right to make changes to the program and right to repeal the program
THY reserves the right to make changes to the benefits offered under the Turkish Airlines Corporate Club program. Changes will be valid from the date members are informed of such changes or the date they are published on corporateclub.turkishairlines.com. If THY repeals the Turkish Airlines Corporate Club program, members will be able to continue to take advantage of the benefits for 30 days after the date of announcement.
5.2. Non-waiver of rights and limitation of liabilities
THY does not guarantee that awards under the Turkish Airlines Corporate Club program will always be available, will always be awarded in the same amount, or that the member will be able to use these awards on the flight they request. THY holds all authority over the Turkish Airlines Corporate Club program. If THY does not use a right it is entitled to under this program or does not request a member to adhere to a program condition; if there is a delay in the use of rights; or if periodical reward practices are contrary to actual practices and program principles; none of these constitute a waiver of THY's right of disposition over the program, nor of any of the rules with which the member is obliged to comply. Furthermore, exceptional program applications in terms of membership do not confer additional benefits to members and other parties, nor do they constitute a change to the principles of the program or set a precedent for other similar applications. Any delay of use or non-use of a right arising from one of the parties' contravention of any of the provisions of these terms of membership will not be considered a waiver of said right unless stated so clearly and in writing. The provisions of the General Conditions of Carriage which limit the liability of THY also apply to this program. In case of violation of these program conditions, the liability is limited to the direct material damages that occur and THY accepts no liability for indirect damages and non-pecuniary damages.
6. Other provisions
6.1. Preferred airline
The member will notify the personnel traveling on business and authorized agency/agencies that THY is on the member's preferred carrier list.
6.2. Miles&Smiles membership
Member employees will also be able to use their own Miles&Smiles cards on flights under the membership program herein. Miles&Smiles program terms and conditions apply to all earning of Miles, spending Miles, and card benefits under the Miles&Smiles program. THY reserves the right to separately determine Mile amounts and Mile types to be applied to these flights under the Miles&Smiles program.
6.3. Confidentiality
THY and the member undertake to keep information obtained in the scope of the Turkish Airlines Corporate Club program confidential. Data belonging to members accessed in the scope of the THY program and required for the management of the program may, on condition that it does not contravene legislation, be processed in the scope of the program, may be transferred domestically/overseas, may be analyzed and/or used in marketing activities, and may be sent to or shared with program partners. Otherwise, no information or documents will be disclosed directly or indirectly to the public or third parties unless the written consent of the party concerned is provided. The below will not be considered confidential information.
a) Information previously released to the public,
b) Information required to be disclosed by the law, a court order or administrative order,
c) Before being disclosed by the other party, and provided that it has not been acquired directly or indirectly from the disclosing party and has been acquired in a legal way, information that has already passed into its legal ownership, and information transmitted by a third party without restriction on disclosure in accordance with law,
d) Information independently developed by the interested party.
6.4. Notification address and announcements
Turkish Airlines address of notification is: Türk Hava Yolları A.O. Genel Yönetim Binası, Atatürk Havalimanı 34149, Yeşilköy, İstanbul. The address provided on the application from will be considered the member's legal address of notification. Notices made to these addresses will be legally valid unless any changes in address are announced in writing 3 (three) days in advance.
Any announcements to do with contravention of contract, default, non-payment for services, or any claim for compensation as a result of damages will be sent to either party's address of notification by recorded mail, telegraph or notary; or will be delivered by hand in exchange for a signed and dated receipt of delivery.
All other communications, including those relating to the use and execution of membership services, can be made by e-mail, SMS, fax, post or any other reasonable means of communication.
6.5. National legislation
In some jurisdictions, local laws may impose restrictions on the General Terms and Conditions of the Turkish Airlines Corporate Club program. THY has the right to take measures to ensure compliance with these restrictions. Members cannot demand payment etc., under whatever name, as a result of conforming to said restrictions.
6.6. Abuse
Entitlement to the benefits of the Turkish Airlines Corporate Club program is dependent on the conditions stated in this membership, as well as on the condition that the members of the Turkish Airlines Corporate Club program are only entitled to use their rights in accordance with membership, the principle of goodwill, and the membership itself being in effect. In case of the misuse of membership benefits by the member; a ticket is issued for reasons other than its intended purpose; benefits and/or free tickets in the scope of the program are sold to a third party; or in the event that THY is found to have suffered damages in any way, THY will terminate the membership immediately without prejudice to its legal rights. In this case, the member cannot claim any rights. For members who violate the Turkish Airlines Corporate Club General Terms and Conditions, abuse their awards or attempt to gain an benefit by giving false information, sanctions such as judicial punishment, payment of compensation, termination of Turkish Airlines Corporate Club membership and the voiding of any previously gained awards may be applied. Members will make every effort to use the Turkish Airlines Corporate Club program as it was intended. It is the responsibility of the member to ensure that personnel are properly informed and that program conditions are respected. The failure of THY to exercise any right does not constitute a waiver of the use of such right.
6.7. Contravention of conditions
Award documents obtained by non-legitimate means or means contrary to the Turkish Airlines Corporate Club General Terms and Conditions will not be accepted.
6.8. Validity of membership provisions
Should any of the provisions of the agreement become invalid, illegal or unenforceable in any way, this will not affect the validity, legality and enforceability of the remaining provisions.
6.9. Right to transfer the program
THY reserves the right to transfer the operation of the Turkish Airlines Corporate Club program to its predecessor company or other third party, and accordingly the agreements made with program members. Members will be informed of such a development with reasonable prior notice.
6.10. Non-transfer or assignment of membership
Unless expressly permitted in writing by THY, program membership cannot be transferred or assigned, in full or in part, nor can any efforts to this end be made.
6.11. Force majeure
The following have been defined as cases of force majeure should they prevent either party from fulfilling their rights and obligations under the program in part/full: severe economic crises affecting the aviation sector, strike/lockout, illegal strike, fire, war, acts of terrorism, legislative changes after the beginning of membership, governmental actions, natural disasters, and decisions and orders of competent authorities. The parties will inform the other within 2 (two) business days in case one or more of these instances of force majeure occur, detailing their nature and the date on which they started.
As long as the instance of force majeure persists, the provisions of membership between the parties will be suspended, and in case the instance of force majeure persists for more than 30 (thirty) days the parties reserve the right to terminate the Membership mutually or unilaterally and in a manner that is expressly conclusive.