

我们欢迎乘客在飞行前在我们的私人乘客休息室享受尊贵体验。 我们的国内和国际航班专用休息室提供美味佳肴、休息/工作区和其他特殊设施,为您的宝贵旅行时光增添乐趣。

Turkish Airlines 国内航班休息室

尽享土耳其各地风情。 在我们的国内航班休息室尽享舒适、美味佳肴和有趣的活动,让您在航班起飞前的时间更加丰富。


Turkish Airlines 国际航班休息室

我们将探索世界的乐趣延伸至飞行前的体验中。 在我们国际航班专属私人休息室的轻松氛围中享受旅行。



In accordance with the aviation security requirements set forth by the Directorate General of Civil Aviation of Türkiye, individuals utilizing electronic devices, such as radios and pagers, for personal communication must present a valid document (identification card, license, cocarde, etc.) to verify that these devices are being carried due to a professional requirement. Examples of individuals who may require such devices include paramedics, emergency responders, professional divers, and mountaineers. If you are unable to provide an explanation of your professional requirements at the security checkpoint, your devices will not be permitted on board.


我们承诺在土耳其各地机场的休息室提供特权体验。 从下面的列表中选择旅行的出发点,您可以查看相关机场特别休息室提供的服务的详细信息。

伊斯坦布尔机场国内旅客休息室 了解更多

Service Hours Duration of Use
Terminal and location Amenities
24 hours 4 hours* (When you purchase lounge service, the usage period begins 4 hours before your flight. If your flight is delayed, you may continue to use the lounge).
Miles&Smiles and Business Lounge Free Wi-Fi, computer, television, fax, accessible shower , disabled passenger access, flight tracking screens, meeting room, children's playground
Soup, variety of olive oil dishes, breakfast, soft drinks, hot tea/coffee

伊斯坦布尔机场国际旅客休息室 了解更多

服务时间 航站楼及位置 便利设施
24 小时 Miles&Smiles 和商务休息室 免费 Wi-Fi、电脑、电视、传真、淋浴、套房*、残障乘客通道、航班跟踪屏幕、会议室、儿童游乐场、商务休息室内博物馆、M&S 休息室内电影院、按摩师

*持 Business Class 机票或 Elite Plus 卡从伊斯坦布尔往返、飞行时间不少于 8 小时且转机时间在 4 小时至 9 小时之间的乘客可以在伊斯坦布尔享受套房。

Istanbul Sabiha Gokcen International Airport domestic passenger lounge Learn more

Service Hours Duration of Use
Terminal and location Amenities
Open from 04.00-01.00. (Closed from 01.00-04.00). 3 hours* (When you purchase lounge service, the usage period begins two hours before your flight. If your flight is delayed, you may continue to use the lounge).
VIP Terminal and Near the Sabiha Gökçen Subway Station Free Wi-Fi, computer, television, fax, accessible shower , disabled passenger access, flight tracking screens, meeting room, children's playground
Soup, variety of olive oil dishes, breakfast, soft drinks, hot tea/coffee

Cukurova International Airport domestic passenger lounge 了解更多

Service Hours Duration of Use
Terminal and location Amenities
According to the scheduled departure time 3 hours* (When you purchase lounge service, the usage period begins 2 hours before your flight. If your flight is delayed, you may continue to use the lounge).
Domestic Flights (After security) Free Wi-Fi, television, air conditioning, flight tracking screens, prayer room, baby care room
Hot / Cold buffet, Soft drinks

安塔利亚机场国内旅客休息室 了解更多

Service Hours Duration of Use
Terminal and location Amenities
24 hours 3 hours* (When you purchase lounge service, the usage period begins 2 hours before your flight. If your flight is delayed, you may continue to use the lounge).
Domestic Flights – Departure Separate check-in, separate ticket sales, free Wi-Fi, treats
Hot and cold buffet, soft drinks

安塔利亚机场国际乘客休息室 了解更多

服务时间 Duration of Use
航站楼及位置 便利设施
>24 小时 4 hours
FTA CIP Lounges located in the terminal where flight operations take place 单独值机、单独购票、单独登机、免费 Wi-Fi、电视、空调、传真、残障乘客通道、航班跟踪屏幕

安卡拉埃森博阿国际机场国内旅客休息室 了解更多

Service Hours Duration of Use
Terminal and location Amenities
24 hours 3 hours* (When you purchase lounge service, the usage period begins 2 hours before your flight. If your flight is delayed, you may continue to use the lounge).
Separate terminal Separate check-in, separate ticket sales, separate boarding, free Wi-Fi, various treats, prayer room, children's playground
Hot and cold buffet, soft drinks

伊兹密尔亚达那门德雷斯机场国内旅客休息室 了解更多

Service Hours Duration of Use
Terminal and location Amenities
01:00 - 23:00
3 hours* (When you purchase lounge service, the usage period begins 2 hours before your flight. If your flight is delayed, you may continue to use the lounge).
Separate terminal Separate check-in, separate ticket sales, separate boarding, free Wi-Fi, various treats, prayer room, children's playground
Hot and cold buffet, soft drinks

米拉斯-博德鲁姆机场国内旅客休息室 了解更多

Service Hours Duration of Use
Terminal and location Amenities

Winter season: 07.00 - 23.00 

Summer season: 24 hours

3 hours* (When you purchase lounge service, the usage period begins 2 hours before your flight. If your flight is delayed, you may continue to use the lounge).
Domestic Flights – Departure Free Wi-Fi, television, air conditioning, baby care room, prayer room, disabled passenger access, flight tracking screens
Hot and cold buffet, soft drinks

哈塔伊机场国内乘客休息室 了解更多

Service Hours Duration of Use
Terminal and location Amenities
According to the departure time 3 hours* (When you purchase lounge service, the usage period begins 2 hours before your flight. If your flight is delayed, you may continue to use the lounge).
Domestic flights Free Wi-Fi, television, air conditioning, fax, newspapers and magazines, disabled passenger access, flight tracking screens
Hot and cold buffet, soft drinks

开塞利机场国内旅客休息室 了解更多

Service Hours Duration of Use
Terminal and location Amenities
24 hours 3 hours* (When you purchase lounge service, the usage period begins 2 hours before your flight. If your flight is delayed, you may continue to use the lounge).
CIP Terminal Building Free Wi-Fi, television, air conditioning, flight tracking screens, baby care room, disabled restroom
Hot and cold buffet, soft drinks

特拉布宗国际机场国内乘客休息室 了解更多

Service Hours Duration of Use
Terminal and location Amenities
24 Hours 3 hours* (When you purchase lounge service, the usage period begins 2 hours before your flight. If your flight is delayed, you may continue to use the lounge).
Exclusive CIP Terminal Free Wi-Fi, television, air conditioning, flight tracking screens, prayer room, baby care room, smoking area
Hot and cold buffet, soft drinks

里泽-阿尔特温机场国内乘客休息室 了解更多

Service Hours Duration of Use
Terminal and location Amenities
According to the departure time 2 hours* (When you purchase lounge service, the usage period begins 2 hours before your flight. If your flight is delayed, you may continue to use the lounge).
CIP Terminal Free Wi-Fi, television, air conditioning,flight tracking screens
Hot and cold buffet, soft drinks

Gaziantep Airport domestic passenger lounge Learn more

Service Hours Duration of Use
Terminal and location Amenities
24 hours 3 hours* (When you purchase lounge service, the usage period begins 2 hours before your flight. If your flight is delayed, you may continue to use the lounge).
Separate CIP Terminal Free Wi-Fi, television, air conditioning,flight tracking screens
Hot and cold buffet, soft drinks


我们国际机场的私人休息室向世界各地旅客提供 Turkish Airlines 的热情服务。 我们在内罗毕莫斯科迈阿密华盛顿曼谷, New York 国际机场的休息室可以在起飞前为您提供特别的体验。

内罗毕乔莫肯雅塔国际机场 了解更多

服务时间 航站楼及位置 便利设施
24 小时 1E 航站楼(靠近 3 号登机口) 免费 Wi-Fi、电视、空调、传真、报纸杂志、祈祷室、儿童房、淋浴、残障乘客通道、航班跟踪屏幕

莫斯科伏努科沃国际机场 了解更多

服务时间 航站楼及位置 便利设施
24 小时 A 航站楼(护照检查后二楼休息区) 免费 Wi-Fi、电脑、电视、空调、传真、会议桌、台球、图书馆、祈祷室、残障乘客通道、航班跟踪屏幕、互联网 IFE 服务

迈阿密国际机场 了解更多

服务时间 航站楼及位置 便利设施
05:00-22:00 中央航站楼 – E 大厅(安检后) 免费 Wi-Fi、电视、空调、传真、报纸杂志、祈祷室、儿童房、淋浴、残障乘客通道、航班跟踪屏幕

华盛顿杜勒斯国际机场 了解更多

服务时间 航站楼及位置 便利设施
07.30-22.15 B 航站楼(靠近 B43 登机口) 免费 Wi-Fi、电视、空调、传真、报纸和杂志、祈祷室、残障人士通道、航班跟踪屏幕

曼谷素万那普国际机场 了解更多

服务时间 航站楼及位置 便利设施
Open 24 hours Concourse D, on the right past Gate D8 Free Wi-Fi, air conditioning, fax, shower, disabled passenger access, TV, flight tracking screens, 15 min free massage, meeting table, sleeping area, VIP Room
Hot and cold buffet, alcoholic/non-alcoholic drinks, Turkish and international cuisine, halal food

John F. Kennedy International Airport Learn more

Service Hours Terminal and location Amenities
09:45-23:45 Between gates 2 and 3 in Terminal 1 Free Wi-Fi, computer, television, air conditioning, fax, meeting table,shower, prayer room, disabled passenger access, flight tracking screens, IFE service over the internet
Breakfasts, hot and cold food, hot and cold drinks, alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks

Narita International Airport Learn more

Service Hours Terminal and location Amenities
7.30 - 21.45 1 South Wing, Satellite 4, Gate 47 Free Wifi, air conditioning, prayer room, flight tracking screens, study area, baby care room, disabled WC, smoking area, TV, shower.
Hot and cold buffet, alcoholic/non-alcoholic drinks, Turkish and Japanese cuisine





