在載客率較高的航班上,為了方便乘客在機上就座,提高飛行舒適度,辦理登機手續時,工作人員可能會要求您交付標準隨身行李,或您也可以辦理登機手續時,將標準隨身行李交給工作人員。透過此申請,將您交付的隨身行李視為托運行李,不會收取額外費用。 請不要忘記取出所托運隨身行李中的貴重/必需物品以隨身攜帶。
將接受作為個人物品的行李袋存放在座位下方,以方便和加快旅客在飛機上就座,是航空業的常見做法。 因此,懇請您在飛行期間將行李袋存放在座位下方。
According to TSA (Transportation Security Administration) requirements for flights from the USA; one (1) piece of cabin baggage and one (1) personal item per passenger is accepted when passing through TSA security checkpoints at the airport except for the following personal items:
For this reason, our passengers traveling in Business class on routes departing from the USA are entitled to 2 pieces of cabin baggages; one piece of cabin baggage and one personal item is carried in the cabin and the other cabin baggage is carried under the aircraft as checked baggage free of charge. Please do not forget to deliver your second cabin baggage to our check in counters.
Please do not keep your medicines, passport, valuables and essential food, etc. that you may need during the trip in your cabin baggage given under the aircarft.
* 無法以行李計算工具檢視的例外狀況及其他資訊請見下方。