

我們為在旅途中有中轉站的乘客整合了轉機/過境程序的所有必要資訊。 我們建議搭乘土耳其航空公司航班的乘客,在旅行前閱讀有關轉機/過境程序的所有詳細資訊。


持已經確認航班的機票,在出發地機場與抵達地機場之間任意一點中轉停留時間不超過 24 小時,並繼續搭乘相同或不同航空公司航班的乘客,統稱為中轉乘客。

包括在轉機類別中,我們中轉時間超過 12 小時的經濟艙乘客和我們中轉時間超過 9 小時的商務艙乘客,皆享有我們透過合約供應商採購的旅館和餐飲服務

如果持票乘客的轉機航班較短,則不享有此服務。 入境所需的義務 (簽證、護照等) 由乘客自行承擔。 有關更多詳細資訊,請參閱旅館服務



Our passengers coming from a domestic point and travelling to an international destination with Turkish Airlines* Learn more

  • When disembarking from aircraft, take your cabin baggage only and continue to international terminal. 
  • If you do not have a boarding pass, go to the counter of the airline to get your boarding pass. If you have a boarding pass, you can directly go to the passport control point. 
  • You can complete your passport procedures at the last point before exiting abroad. 

*Including passengers whose routes are arranged with a single ticket with Star Alliance member airlines or airlines having a codeshare flight agreement with Turkish Airlines.

Our passengers coming from a domestic point and travelling to an international destination not with Turkish Airlines* Learn more

  • Get your baggage from the domestic terminal. 
  • Go to the international terminal to complete check-in procedures at the counter of the airline with which you will fly abroad. 

*Excluding passengers whose routes are arranged with a single ticket with Star Alliance member airlines or airlines having a codeshare flight agreement with Turkish Airlines.

Our passengers, coming from an international point and continuing to a domestic destination with customs control, whose transfer flight routes are arranged with a single ticket* Learn more

  • Disembark from the aircraft with your cabin baggage only and go through passport control to enter the country. 
  • Go to the domestic terminal. 
  • After completing your flight, you can get your baggage from the airport at the arrival point. 

*Including passengers whose routes are not arranged with a single ticket with Star Alliance member airlines or Turkish Airlines.

Our passengers, coming from an international point and continuing to a domestic destination with customs control, whose transfer flight routes are not arranged with a single ticket* Learn more

  • Get your baggage from the international arrival hall. 
  • Go to the domestic terminal and the related airline’s counter for the check-in procedures of your upcoming flight. 

*Excluding passengers whose routes are arranged with a single ticket with Star Alliance member airlines or airlines having a codeshare flight agreement with Turkish Airlines.

Our transfer passengers, coming from an international point and continuing to an international destination with Turkish Airlines, whose flight routes are arranged with a single ticket* Learn more

  • Disembark from the aircraft with your cabin baggage only and continue directly to the boarding gate without conducting any flight or passport procedures. 
  • If you have not obtained a boarding pass for a flight you will continue to at the first exit point, go to the “Transit Check-in” counter firstly. 

*Including passengers whose routes are arranged with a single ticket with Star Alliance member airlines or airlines having a codeshare flight agreement with Turkish Airlines.

Our transfer passengers, coming from an international point and continuing to an international destination with Turkish Airlines, whose flight routes are not arranged with a single ticket* Learn more

  • Get your baggage from the international arrival hall. 
  • Go to the international terminal and the related airline’s counter for the check-in procedures of your upcoming flight. 

*Excluding passengers whose routes are arranged with a single ticket with a Star Alliance member airline or an airline having a codeshare flight agreement with Turkish Airlines and passengers having a connecting flight to Taiwan (TPE-KHH-RMQ) with a foreign airline in Turkish Airlines operated flights to Hong Kong, Seoul, Singapore, Tokyo, Bangkok, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Kuala Lumpur.

Our transfer passengers, coming from an international point and continuing to an international destination not with Turkish Airlines, whose flight routes are arranged with a single ticket Learn more

  • Disembark from the aircraft with your cabin baggage only. The baggage will be carried to the final destination. 
  • Obtain your boarding pass at the related airline’s transit counter and go to the boarding gate without conducting any passport procedures at the international arrival terminal. 

*Including passengers whose routes are arranged with a single ticket with a Star Alliance member airline or an airline having a codeshare flight agreement with Turkish Airlines.

Our transfer passengers, coming from an international point and continuing to an international destination not with Turkish Airlines, whose flight routes are not arranged with a single ticket Learn more

  • Get your baggage from the international arrival hall. 
  • Go to the international terminal and the related airline’s counter for the check-in procedures of your upcoming flight. 

*Including passengers whose routes are not arranged with a single ticket with a Star Alliance member airline or an airline having a codeshare flight agreement with Turkish Airlines.

Travels departing an international point, with a domestic transit stop and arriving at an airport without customs control; Learn more

  • Complete your passport procedures and enter the country. 
  • Get your baggage from the international terminal. 
  • Go to the domestic terminal. 
  • Complete your check-in procedures, deliver your baggage and go to the boarding gate.

Travels departing from and arriving to an international point having a transit stop at Türkiye (with Turkish Airlines, a Star Alliance member airline or an airline having a codeshare flight agreement with Turkish Airlines); Learn more

  • Disembark from the aircraft with your cabin baggage only and go directly to the boarding gate for your next flight without conducting any more procedures. 
  • If you do not already have a boarding pass for your next flight, you can obtain your boarding pass from the transit check-in counter. 
  • After completing your flight, you can get your baggage from the airport at the arrival point.

Travels departing from and arriving to an international point having a transit stop at Türkiye (not with Turkish Airlines, a Star Alliance member airline or an airline having a codeshare flight agreement with Turkish Airlines); Learn more

  • Disembark from the aircraft with your cabin baggage only. 
  • Complete your check-in procedures at the transit check-in counter of the airline you will continue your travel with and go to the boarding gate. 
  • After completing your flight, you can get your baggage from the airport at the arrival point.


安卡拉 (ESB)、阿拉尼亞 (GZP)、安塔利亞 (AYT)、博德魯姆 (BJV)、庫庫羅瓦 (COV)、達拉曼 (DLM)、代尼茲利 (DNZ)、迪亞巴克爾 (DIY)、埃德雷米特 (EDO)、埃拉澤 (EZS)、埃爾津詹 (ERC)、埃爾祖魯姆 (ERZ)、埃斯基謝希爾 (AOE)、哈加濟安泰普 (GZT)、伊斯帕爾塔蘇萊曼德米雷爾 (ISE)、伊斯坦堡 (IST)、伊茲密爾 (ADB)、卡赫拉曼馬拉什 (KCM)、卡爾斯 (KSY)、開塞利 (ASR)、科賈埃利 (KCO)、科尼亞 (KYA)、屈塔希亞 (KZR)、馬拉蒂亞 (MLX)、內夫謝希爾 (NAV)、奧爾杜-吉雷松 (OGU)、裡澤- 阿爾特溫 (RZV)、薩比哈格克琴 (SAW)、薩姆松 (SZF)、錫諾普 (NOP)、錫瓦斯 (VAS)、尚勒烏爾法 (GNY)、泰基爾達/喬爾盧 (TEQ)、託卡特 (TJK)、特拉布宗 (TZX)、凡城 (VAN)


阿德亞曼 (ADF)、阿格里 (AJI)、巴特曼 (BAL)、賓格爾 (BGG)、布爾薩 (YEI)、恰納卡萊 (CKZ)、哈卡里 (YKO)、 塔伊 (HTY)、伊德爾 (IGD)、卡斯塔莫努 (KFS) 、馬爾丁 (MQM)、梅爾濟豐 (MZH)、穆斯 (MSR)、錫爾特 (SXZ)、希爾納克 (NKT)、烏沙克 (USQ)、宗古爾達克 (ONQ)

轉機至美國境內航班的旅客,在第一個抵達城市轉機時間不超過 12 小時的情況下,報到手續可以辦理至最終目的地。但是,這些旅客仍必須在第一個目的地領取行李並通過海關檢查。爾後,旅客可以將行李提送到確切轉機櫃檯。 如果國內轉機時間超過 12 小時,旅客需在飛抵美國的第一個機場領取行李 (包括聯營航班)。
Passengers who have connecting flights via Istanbul with a connection time of 6 hours or more can take the opportunity to discover Istanbul with our TourIstanbul service. For detailed information, you can visit our TourIstanbul page.
If your transit duration is more than 20 hours, you can stop over in Istanbul and discover this extraordinary city. For detailed information, you can visit our stopover page.