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Die Beförderung von Haustieren ist nicht in der Freigepäckmenge enthalten und gebührenpflichtig. Die Gebühren und allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen für die Beförderung von Haustieren auf Flügen von AnadoluJet können variieren. Weitere Informationen entnehmen Sie bitte der Tabelle.

Gebühren für die Beförderung von Haustieren auf innertürkischen Flügen.

Wenn das Haustier und sein Transportbehälter 8 kg oder weniger wiegen, wird es in der Kabine transportiert, während Haustiere, die mehr als 8 kg wiegen, im Frachtraum des Flugzeugs transportiert werden. Es wird eine feste Gebühr erhoben, die sich nach dem Gesamtgewicht des Tieres und seines Transportbehälters richtet.

Art der Beförderung Gewicht Feste Gebühr
Haustiere, die in der Flugkabine befördert werden (PETC) bis 8 kg 500 TRY
Im Frachtraum beförderte Haustiere (AVIH) bis 15 kg 750 TRY
Im Frachtraum beförderte Haustiere (AVIH) 16 bis 22 kg 800 TRY
Im Frachtraum beförderte Haustiere (AVIH) 23 bis 28 kg 900 TRY
Im Frachtraum beförderte Haustiere (AVIH) Über 28 kg 950 TRY

TK ERCAN Art der Beförderung Gewicht Feste Gebühr
Haustiere, die in der Flugkabine befördert werden (PETC) bis 8 kg 800 TRY
Im Frachtraum beförderte Haustiere (AVIH) bis 15 kg 1.100 TRY
Im Frachtraum beförderte Haustiere (AVIH) 16 bis 22 kg 1.200 TRY
Im Frachtraum beförderte Haustiere (AVIH) 23 bis 28 kg 1.300 TRY
Im Frachtraum beförderte Haustiere (AVIH) Über 28 kg 1.400 TRY

Fees for transporting pets on international flights

Pet fees are calculated according to the weight of the pet together with its crate. The first category of fees is “Pet Carried in Cabin (PETC)” for pets 0-8 kg while the second fee schedule is for “Pet Carried in Aircraft Hold Compartment (AVIH)” which is categorised into three weight categories; small: 0-23 kg, medium: 24-32 kg, and large: 33 kg and over.

Fees for carrying pets on international flights may vary depending on the travel destination. Please visit the Pet Transportation Fee Calculator page to calculate the fee you will pay.

Pet fees are charged per crate. For instance, if a passenger is travelling with two cats in a crate, the fee is charged only per crate, not per cat.

Fees Charged for Pets Transported in the Cabin and Aircraft Hold Compartment (PETC/AVIH):

When the pet is weighed together with the crate: If the weight is in the range of 0-8KG, the pet is considered PETC (Pet in Cabin) and travels with the passenger in the cabin.

A pet and a crate that together weigh more than 8KG are considered AVIH (Animal on Hold) and must travel under the aircraft.

A pet and a crate that together weigh in the range of 0-8KG and that must be transported under the aircraft due to transportation rules are also accepted as AVIH, and they are charged as AVIH.

Pet charges are charged per crate. If a passenger is travelling with two cats in one crate, there is only a per crate charge, not per cat.

Pet Fee Pricing for Stopover Flights:

If there is a Stopover at any point in the journey, the charge is calculated separately up to the point where the Stopover is made, and after the Stopover until the destination. The amount to be charged is the sum of the two.

When making separate calculations, each trip is evaluated in its own category and calculated according to the PETC/AVIH tables in the publication.

Example 1; For an animal which will be carried in cabin compartment (PETC) between FRA and JFK with stopover is calculeted as follows: FRA-IST : according to the TR↔Group A (65 USD). IST-JFK : according to the TR↔Group C (185 USD). The total fare to be charged is the sum of the two separate journeys (65 USD + 185 USD=250 USD).

Example 2; For an animal which will be carried in aircraft hold compartment (AVIH) between FRA and JFK with stopover is calculeted as follows: FRA-IST : according to the weight categories (0-23KG: 130 USD, 24-32KG: 150 USD, 33KG+: 190 USD) IST-JFK : according to the weight categories (0-23KG: 370 USD, 24-32KG: 440 USD, 33KG+: 550 USD). The total fare to be charged is the sum of the two separate journeys (0-23KG: 500 USD, 24-32KG: 590 USD, 33KG+: 740 USD).

5. Pet Pricing for Traffic Right Flights:

5. Traffic pet pricing is the same at pet pricing applied for travel between TR and Group A.




65 USD


130 USD

AVIH 24-32KG

150 USD


190 USD

On Flights Departing from Canada:




90 CAD


180 CAD

AVIH 24-32KG

210 CAD


260 CAD

Pet Fee on Interline Flights:

Interline fees are calculated according to the tables below.

Pet Fees for Arrival to / Departure from TR (Interline):




+75 USD


+150 USD

AVIH 24-32KG

+150 USD


+150 USD

Pet Fees Applicable for Transit Transportation (Interline):




+75 USD


+150 USD

AVIH 24-32KG

+150 USD


+150 USD

Accepting pets on flights to/from Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus

In order to carry pets on flights to/from the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, you must obtain an import license from the TRNC Veterinary Office. The validity of this license is 60 days. You must also obtain a travel health certificate from the veterinary directorate of your country at least 48 hours before departure.

You must carry your cat's or dog's passport showing the vaccinations. Dogs must have received vaccinations for Parvo, Distemper, Hepatitis and Leptospira; cats must have received vaccinations for Feline Infectious Enteritis and Feline Influenza. The pet must have been vaccinated against rabies at least one month prior and no more than one year before the flight. You must also carry the original lab report showing your pet’s levels of blood antibodies against rabies in order to travel with your cat or dog. We do not carry pets younger than three months alone on our TRNC flights. We can carry pets aged over ten weeks on the condition that they travel with their mother, have a passport, have stayed in the same location since birth, and have not come into contact with any wild animals which might have transferred an infection. For more information, please visit http://www.veteriner.gov.ct.tr.